Monday, February 11, 2013


Mihajlo Sviderski was born in Bitola, Macedonia, where he completed his primary education. His secondary education he finished in Ohio, USA where he joined in American youth poetry circles, for what is awarded.
After a stay in the United States he returned to the Republic of Macedonia and continued his education at the Faculty of Law in Skopje.
Poetry is his passion from a very early age, when he began writing his first lyrics, which were first published in literary magazines, and later as Debut fruit appeared his first book Harvest of the Soul (2008). From the same book he is included in anthologies of contemporary poetry in Greek (voices -Φωνές 2011).
In 2012 he published his second book ‘Throughout the dream of fog and rain, which has been positively assessed by the critics and poetry circles as well as the readership.
With his reciting talent he took part in many events, competitions and cultural events, for which later twice in a row will gain the first-prize by the Association  for Macedonian Language and Literature in 2008 and 2009 and for the best essay field of linguistics topic'' The neologisms in Gane Todorovski`s poetry'' in 2009 won first prize.  In 2010, in Dayton, Ohio, United States wins first prize for'' Comparative analysis of the lyric entities Lenore and Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe's poetry'' in the subject Contemporary Literature.
Actively translates poetry from English, Serbian and Bulgarian. His poetry has been translated into English, Bulgarian, Greek ,Serbian, Hungarian, Russian and Albanian.


You ran away, and from your escape
every night without stopping
in my dreams  fast  trains scream.
Beyond the railway , my sleep is spoiled.
It hits the rails,  as if  you are next to me,
but you aren't.


Because they constantly deceive you
that no one from here has come back to say how it is,
here's what I do on the bottom of the fire
resting my feet,
I can say that it is wonderful- disgusting.
Formerly as elsewhere, everything was other and otherwise.
Today all cries I know by heart
same as every light damages my sight.
Except that everything is unremitting boredom and a waste of time,
it's all because they forgot us here
and nobody is reminded of us,
don’t even remember to moisten our mouth
nor to open the door,
nor to forgive.

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